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Research group

Olof MogrenAleksis Pirinen, PhDJohn MartinssonEdvin Listo ZecMaria Bånkestad


I have the honour to work with the following collection of brilliant people in my research group.

For more information, please visit the group's official web page: Deep Learning Research Group - Working on Foundational and Applied Machine Learning for the Earth.

Previous members of the group.

  • Martin Willbo, MSc
  • Ebba Ekblom, MSc

Are you looking to write a master thesis related to machine learning? Several different projects related to machine learning awaits skilled students.

The following master's theses were written under my supervision.

Graph neural networks for physics simulations

Edvin Lam


Text sumarization using transfer learning

Victor Risne, Adele Siitova


Question Answering In Conversational Context

Soumyadeep Mondal, Vishnu Raveendra Nadhan


Deep learning for fashion analysis

Marie Korneliusson


Blood Glucose Prediction for Type 1 Diabetes using Machine Learning

Christian Meijner, Simon Persson


CARAI - Development of an intelligent personal assistant for cars

Johan Ekdahl and William Axhav Bratt


Automatic discussion forum assistant using recurrent neural networks

Jacob Hagstedt P Suorra


Entity recognition in swedish medical documents

Sean Pavlov and Simon Almgren


Using Classification Algorithms for Smart Suggestions in Accounting Systems

Hampus Bengtsson and Johannes Jansson


Constructing a Context-aware Recommender System with Web Sessions

Yanling Jin and Albin Bramstång


Olof Mogren, PhD.